Who do I contact?
Please contact the LMBC office via phone or email if you have questions regarding the following:
*Absences or Illnesses
*Backstage at the Ballet
*DVD/Digital Download orders
*Nutcracker Boutique
Please contact the Guild President via email if you have any questions regarding the following:
*Sweatshirt (Nutcracker Hoodie) Orders
*LMBC Black Jacket orders
*Picture Buttons
LMBC Website: lincolnmidwestballet.org
LMBC Email: lincmidballetco@gmail.com
LMBC Phone: 402-441-0739
Mailing Address: 211 N. 14 Street, Lincoln, NE 68508
LMBC Office Hours: M-F 8:00-5:00
Guild President Questions/Correspondence: lmbcguildpresident@gmail.com