Cast Handbook: Rule Violation Consequences
Non-Lied Center Rehearsals:
If a performer refuses to comply with the rules and expectations listed, he or she can expect to have a conference with the Artistic Director. If the Artistic Director does not note improvement, the following consequences will occur:
Step 1: The person in charge will ask the performer to sit down or leave the room.
Step 2: The understudy will be asked to perform the role of the offending cast member for that rehearsal and, at the discretion of the Artistic Director or Ballet Mistress, possibly for the actual production.
Step 3: The offending performers’ records will follow him or her to the next audition of LMBC. The Artistic Director will give the President a list of performers who will not be eligible to audition the following year.
Lied Center Rehearsals and Productions:
If a performer refuses to comply with the Lied Center rules created by the Lincoln Midwest Ballet Company, the following consequences will be applied:
Step 1: Warning
Step 2: Remove performer from the situation and require a discussion with the Artistic Director.
Step 3: If the inappropriate behavior continues, the possible loss of part(s) including Company or Apprentice membership; parent/guardian called; removed from facility.
Note: Any performer (regardless of age) using alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco products at a LMBC rehearsal or performance at any site may be subject to Step 3 consequence immediately. In addition, any performer exhibiting inappropriate or unlawful behavior that is deemed to be detrimental to LMBC may be subject to Step 3 consequence immediately. Vaping is banned at all UNL facilities, indoors and outdoors.