Cast Handbook: Rehearsal Information
Check the schedule for the times you are required to attend rehearsals and performances, all schedules are updated on the LMBC website each Tuesday at noon. Lincoln Midwest Ballet Company requires cast members to attend all rehearsals scheduled for their parts. However, the Artistic Director has discretion to allow exceptions when rehearsal coincides with another very serious event. In requesting the excused absence, the cast member understands that missing a rehearsal is a serious decision with important consequences. It is very important not to miss your first rehearsal so that you can learn the choreography with your group and correct spacing can be set. If you absolutely must be absent from a rehearsal, the following must be done:
1. Go online at , complete the form and submit it.
2. Fill out the form as early as possible
3. The Artistic Director will be informed of the request, and you will be notified if it has been approved.
- You may request only one planned excused absence. Illness, injury, death of a family member, and an extraordinary circumstance are examples of an excused absence permitted. An additional excused absence due to circumstances beyond your control will be considered by the Artistic Director.
- No consideration will be given for absences the weekend prior to the show and during the week of the show. Lied Center rehearsals and performances are mandatory.
- Unexcused absences are not allowed and may result in the performer being replaced.
- The performer must sign the contract at the Cast Meeting that indicates that she/he understands the consequence for missing a rehearsal may be the forfeiture of one performance at the Lied Center at the discretion of the Artistic Director.
- When you do miss a rehearsal, your understudy will dance the role until you learn your part.
Rehearsal Information in the Event of Severe Weather:
In the event of threatening weather conditions, rehearsal schedule information will be available by calling the LMBC artistic/performer phone line (402-441-0739). That information will also be given to KFOR 1240 radio station (402-466-1238.)
Rehearsal Location:
Rehearsals will be held at True Dance and Co. (5445 Red Rock Lane.) Drop off only, only Nutcracker cast and staff admitted. All rehearsals are closed to avoid distracting the dancers and staff. No street shoes or water bottles are allowed on the vinyl dance floors. Rosin may not be used. Do not lean on mirrors or do anything that would harm property. No food (including candy and gum) or beverage is allowed in dance studios except for water in covered containers. Food may be eaten in the snack area. Be sure to pick up all personal belongings before leaving. Rehearsal spaces must be treated respectfully so that they will continue to be available for our dance company’s use.
Parents/guardians: Please be prompt in picking up your children after their rehearsals. The staff cannot be responsible for staying with your children if you are late. Please be patient if rehearsals run late due to unforeseen circumstances. We may need to contact you concerning your child, so please accept phone calls with unfamiliar numbers during rehearsals and performances.