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Lied Center Rules

Room Parents please note—you will be responsible for upholding these rules!

Prior To Checking In:

1.    Performers should arrive at the Lied Center with their mandated hairstyle already done.

2.    Performers (except Big/Little Mice and Soldiers) should arrive at the Lied Center with their full stage make-up already applied. 

3.    Performers should arrive to the Lied Center with an extra leotard and tights. 

Check In:

1.    Be on time, but please be aware that due to our contract with the Lied Center, performers will not be allowed into the facility for rehearsals prior to the times outlined on the schedule.  For the performers’ own safety and comfort, they should not arrive early.

2.    Performers should check in at the Johnny Carson Theater door (11th & Q) by checking off their name on the cast roster every day.

3.    Volunteers should check in at the Johnny Carson Theater door (11th & Q) by checking off their name on the security checklist and picking up a name tag.

4.    NO PERSONS will be admitted backstage unless they are on the room parent or security list for that session.  “Backstage” encompasses the entire area beyond the entry of the Johnny Carson Theater, including all the dressing rooms.  If you are not on the list for that rehearsal or performance, you will not be admitted for any reason.

5.    Persons who are allowed backstage are LMBC board members, official guests on security list, artistic staff, musicians, and volunteers whose names have been given in advance to security personnel for specific duties and times.  Cast members and volunteers should not be backstage for any reason during the show, rehearsals, or company class unless they have a specific job to do.  All volunteers need to remain at their assigned post.  Company class is closed to observers.

6.    Deliveries to cast members or other individuals should be left with the volunteer at the security table in the lobby of the Johnny Carson Theatre.

7.    Usage of cellular phones and cameras is not allowed backstage.

8.    We ask that all cast members refrain from gift giving at the Lied Center.


1.    Only performers who dance on pointe are allowed to use rosin; others do not need rosin.  The Lied Center does not allow rosin tracked through its facilities.  Pointe shoes should be covered except when on stage.

Foods/Snacks & Beverages:

1.    LMBC knows that the performers will need some kind of food/snack and drink during the rehearsals, but the company must also protect the costumes from potentially “staining” substances.  At the Lied Center, dancers scheduled to arrive at 7:00 should eat dinner before arriving.  Please plan accordingly and feed our child prior to rehearsal or afterwards.
2.    Only water is allowed to drink at the Lied Center. No colored beverages such as Kool-Aid, Gatorade, juice drinks, or soda of any kind will be allowed.  Such beverages will be confiscated.  Recommended Foods/Snacks:  crackers, pretzels, or cold sandwiches.
3.     If dancers are rehearsing for more than 4 hours, they may bring a cold lunch. All "meals and snacks" must be eaten upstairs in the Johnny Carson Lobby.  Messy and greasy food items are not allowed.  Please do not bring fast food to the security desk to be delivered to dancers. 

Dressing Rooms:

1.    Performers are to remain in their assigned dressing rooms until they are called to the stage.  Room parents have the discretion to allow performers to leave the room for specific reasons such as using the bathroom or needing to see one of the costumers.  The maximum number of performers who should be given permission to leave a dressing room at one time is ONE for every FOUR performers in the room.

2.    Please keep the noise levels down to a minimum.

3.    Please turn off the make-up lights when not in use, they put off a lot of heat.

4.    Do not adjust the thermostats, sit on counters, hang objects on lights or turn water on in showers.

5.    After each rehearsal or production, the performers must clean up the dressing room before they leave.

6.    Absolutely no lipstick on mirrors!

7.    No tape is to be used on walls at the Lied Center.

8.    Dancers in Act II are not allowed downstairs before their scheduled time unless a room parent is on duty in that dressing room.


1.    A time chart will be posted in each dressing room.  Performers needed to apply make-up should put on make-up first, then the costumes.  Please do not put costumes on too far in advance.

2.    There will be make-up charts in each dressing room giving detailed instructions on how the make-up is to be applied.  Specialty make-up such as the foundation for the Soldiers and Mice faces will be provided.  Performers must provide all other necessary make-up, such as mascara, blush, and lipstick.  If any performers have a reaction to the make-up, they should see the make-up specialist. 

3.    The soldiers may apply their own make-up; however, room parents must supervise them.  It is suggested that the make-up stay in one area, such as on the counter near the sink area, so everyone can have equal access and it will not get lost.  Please make sure that the application of the make-up stays uniform.  Room parents will need to assist any dancers who choose not to apply the make-up themselves.  If the performers are not being responsible with the make-up, room parents are asked to use their own judgment in withdrawing this privilege.  

4.    The costume director and make-up specialist will be located in the sewing/wardrobe room should anyone need assistance.  The sewing/wardrobe room is the last room on the left, basement level, stage right.


1.    Do not put costumes on too early. Performers are required to hang up their costumes immediately after use.

2.    If a costume is found on the floor, it is to be turned into the costume director in the sewing/wardrobe room.  The performer must reclaim the item of clothing from the costume director.

3.    Performers will be charged if their costumes are returned with damage beyond normal use.

4.    Performers need to change out of costumes immediately after dress rehearsals and performances.

5.    On Sunday, room parents are requested to help with the boxing up of the costumes.  The costume director will come to each room with specific instructions.


1.    All performers must walk in the halls except for performers engaged in cross-overs and quick-changes.

2.    Do not sit on the edge of the stage.

3.    In case of a fire evacuation, all dancers will be directed to the Embassy Suites lobby by LMBC staff and volunteers.

Hallways & Backstage:

1.    When performers and adults are proceeding to the stage area via the stairs, they need to walk and be quiet. 

2.    Gymnasts need to warm up in designated areas, not in the dressing room.

3.    When performers or room parents are backstage, they need to stay behind the white line, keep noise to a minimum, and return to the dressing room when not needed.

Volunteer Information:

1.    Please stay for the entire time period that you have been assigned.  The role of the volunteer is to enforce the rules stated in this handbook.

2.    Please dress in all black clothing so the performers can distinguish volunteers from other individuals.  Also, you may be asked to accompany dancers to the backstage area or assist in fast changes.  In these cases, black clothing is a necessity so audience members cannot see you.

3.    Please do not bring other children from home while you are a room parent or on security duty.

4.    Safety is our primary concern!  Please stop any running or activity you think is dangerous or will detract from the production.

Hall Monitors:

1.    Hall monitors are to keep the halls as quiet as possible since the noise can be heard backstage and in the orchestra area.  Performers can be requested to go back to their rooms if they refuse to comply with a “noise warning” from a hall monitor.

Illness or Injury:

1.    If a performer becomes ill at the Lied Center, an adult should escort them to the first aid area, which is in the Green Room, backstage on the main level, stage right.  The Green Room will be used to isolate the performer to prevent spread of the illness until the parent/guardian can arrive to pick up the performer. Fever and symptoms indicating a contagious illness such as chills and vomiting must be considered ample reason to keep the performer away from the Lied Center.  The decision as to whether or not the dancer will be allowed to perform will be at the discretion of the Artistic Director.  LMBC will take care of notifying parents so volunteers are asked NOT to call parents/guardians themselves.

2.    If a performer is injured while at the Lied Center, the Volunteer Coordinator should be notified immediately, who will inform the appropriate staff members. Emergency medical care is provided in the Green Room.

3.    Any questions or concerns regarding dancers who have specific needs such as wearing eyeglasses, splints, casts, etc., should be addressed with the Artistic Director.


1.    All personal photography is prohibited within the entire Lied Center facility.  Please do not bring cameras.

Prohibited Areas:

1.    Performers are not allowed to watch the production from backstage unless they are waiting for their entrance cue.  They are not allowed in the house or lobby.

2.    Performers may not use the Johnny Carson Theater or adjacent area for any activity other than being dropped off or picked up.

3.    Performers should not be in the Green Room unless they are ill or injured.  The Green Room is the small backstage lounge off stage right.

Admittance to Watch Performance:

1.    No one is allowed to watch the production without an admission ticket.  This includes watching from the Observation Room.  Performers who are only in Act I must purchase a ticket if they wish to watch Act II.  Performers who are only in Act II are required to remain in their dressing rooms during Act I and may NOT watch the production in the house or backstage.


1.    Once performers have arrived at the Lied Center, they should not leave the facility until they have been dismissed from the rehearsal or production.  Once dismissed from rehearsals, young performers can meet their parents/guardians in the Johnny Carson Theater lobby and then leave immediately.  Performers are not allowed to go outside the building to wait for their rides; thus, parents/guardians must enter the Johnny Carson Theater door to pick up their child.  After performances, parents and dancers should meet inside the Johnny Carson black box theater.

2.    Everyone must be out of the Lied Center by 10:30 p.m. each night.  

3.    The artistic staff will try to follow the dress rehearsal schedule.  However, please be patient if unforeseen problems make your child late.

4.    Performers must leave the Lied Center between productions on Saturday from 4:30-6:00.


1.    To help your child enjoy any free time, please send small, non-messy, crafts, card games, books, etc.  NO MARKERS.  If you chose to bring electronic devices, it is at your own risk.

2.    Please send a small bag or backpack to hold personal items.

3.    Do not bring expensive items such as jewelry and watches to the Lied Center.  The performers may not wear them on stage, and we do not have the facilities for storing them.

4.  Label all shoes, clothes, etc. with the performer’s name.  LMBC is not responsible for items lost or stolen.