Mandatory All Cast Meeting
All performers, along with a parent or guardian, must attend the All-Cast Meeting on Sunday, October 5, 2025 at Lux Middle School, 7800 High Street (south of 78th and Van Dorn).
The purpose of the All Cast meeting is to:
1. Confirm their roles in The Nutcracker.
2. Sign performers’ contract distributed at the cast meeting.
3. Pay a $65 participation fee for each performer cast in The Nutcracker. Financial aid is available, if needed. Information is available on the LMBC website or you may call 402-441-0739.
4. (Optional) Purchase Nutcracker Hoodies, LMBC Jackets, Digital Download/DVD, picture buttons, join the Lincoln Midwest Ballet Guild.
12:30 - 1:30 pm Company and Apprentice Dancer head shots
1:30 - 2:00pm Company and Apprentice Dancers will meet with Artistic Director
1:30 – 2:00 pm Group A will work through stations for optional purchases (Mother Ginger, Principal Dancers, Company, Apprentices, Arabian Background, Soldiers, Angels A and B, Spanish Background, Arabian Background, Chinese Background, Russian Background)
2:00 - 2:30pm Entire cast meets with Artistic Staff (Groups A & B)
2:30 – 3:00 pm Group B will work through stations for optional purchases (All Party Girls and Boys, Fritz, Party Parents, Bon Bons, Elves, Big and Little Mice, Sugar & Spice, Celestial Fairies and Garland Children)
Please do not leave before your scheduled ending time.
Performers will be given a checkout sheet upon arrival at the meeting. At each station, notations will be made on the checkout sheet. When performers and their parents/guardians are ready to leave, they will be able to write one check for all of their items.
Multiple checkout lines will be available. Credit/debit cards are accepted.
Performers unable to attend the All-Cast Meeting due to an illness or emergency must notify LMBC at 441-0739 prior to the meeting or they will forfeit their roles.